Data Mapping

Get the data you need from your customers' apps

In order to convert the data from your customers apps into the inputs that can be used for your existing API, you need to map the data from the source to the destination.

The Xkit philosophy on data mapping is that it should be easy for a non-technical person to build 80% of mappings, but for more complex cases, you should be able to fall back to code.

In order to map the data, for each input you've specified on your input, you select the data from your customers app to serve as the source for that input. Since the inputs have specific types defined (e.g. boolean, string, etc) and we've done the work of mapping out the types of the data from the various apps we support, many times the mapping is done, and you don't need to specify anything else.

For example, if your input is a customer_first_name, and you choose as the source the firstName from the HubSpot Contact, there will be no additional configuration required.

Similarly, if you select a timestamp field as the source for a Date input, the transformation will be done for you.

However, we do support additional transformations for some more complex cases.

Transformation NameDescriptionConfiguration
DirectMaps data from the source field to the destination with no changes aside from type (e.g. converting integers to strings).None
StaticMaps statically defined values to the destination without using the source data at all.None
FindFinds a specific value from an array.- Condition: a property name and a value which the value for the selected property should equal in order to select the value in the array
- Extract Pointer: an optional pointer to a property on the found value to use as the input value
CollectCollects properties from an array of objects into a new array of those property values.- Extract Pointer: the property on the objects which should be collected into the new array
DateTransforms date and date-like values into dates.None