An object specifying a select field in an integration's configuration
Attribute | Description | Example |
type"select" | "select-multiple" | Marks this object as being a Settings Select Field. Use select-multiple if the user can choose multiple options. | "select" |
name string | Name of this field, for use with your systems. | "favorite_lyric" |
label string (optional) | Label for the field, visible to the end user. Defaults to the value of name if not set. | "Favorite Lyric" |
optionsstring[] | { value: string, label?: string }[] | A list of options for the user to choose from. Either a list of strings, or a list of objects with value and label keys. | [ { value: "hello", label: "Hello" }, { vaue: "darkness", label: "Darkness" } ] |
valuestring | string[] (optional) | If a select , this is the single selected value. If a multiple-select , an array of values. In either event, there should be an option corresponding to each value in this field. | ["hello", "darkness"] |
description string (optional) | Description of the field, displayed to the end user. | "The best lyric from the Simon & Garfunkel song." |
placeholder string (optional) | Placeholder in the input, displayed to the end user. | "Select one..." |
hint string (optional) | Extra detail that may help the end user with this field. | "Listen to it before choosing! |
validationMessage string (optional) | An error message indicating that the user has filled in this field incorrectly. | "Choose at least one lyric." |