An object specifying the style of the Catalog
All of the attributes and any of their children are optional, they will extend the current theme.
Attribute | Description |
text object | Styles of the text in the Catalog. |
text.fonts Fonts | Fonts to use in the Catalog. |
text.colors Colors | Colors to use for the text in the Catalog. |
text.sizes Record<100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900, number> | An object with keys ranging from 100 to 900 and specifying the font size (in pixels) of the text in the Catalog. |
buttons object | Styles of the buttons in the Catalog |
buttons.primary Button | Styles for the "primary" buttons in the Catalog. (Currently, the "Install" button). |
buttons.default Button | Styles for the default buttons in the Catalog, including the back buttons and the "Remove" button. |
card Card | Styles for the cards that appear on the main page of the Catalog. |
tab Tab | Styles for the tabs that appear on the connector details page when multiple connections are available. |